How I Built This Site

Introduction This post is one half documentation for my own purposes, and one half tutorial for someone who wants a similar site. This is a pretty simple project, so it’s likely that what follows is more than what’s necessary, but I’m doing it anyway. I intend to update this document at about the same rate as the system it describes (which I don’t expect to change much). Guiding Principles Focus on learning one thing at a time.

Learning Nix

Introduction I recently bought a new computer for personal use. Like any new computer, I had to set up my favorite software on it: Spotify, Firefox, the One True Editor, and so on. A reasonable person would go about this problem the way they’d go about most problems: by solving it. For better or for worse, I am not such a person. I decided to automate this setup so that in theory I’d never have to do it again.